A diverse selection of new material that appeals to a wide range of interests and inclinations is promised in Netflix’s June 2024 schedule. A variety of original television shows and films are in store for viewers, ranging from exciting action and suspenseful mysteries to compelling dramas and endearing comedy. With foreign titles, the streaming platform is broadening its varied offers and exposing a worldwide audience to original tales from different cultures. A number of eagerly awaited movie premieres as well as the return of several beloved television shows with new seasons will all take place this month. Netflix’s June releases offer something for everyone, whether you’re in the mood for an epic adventure, a heartfelt romance, or a thought-provoking documentary.

1. A Family Affair

The forthcoming American romantic comedy film A Family Affair is written and directed by Carrie Solomon and Richard LaGravenese. The plot of this film is on Zara, a young woman who works as movie star Chris Cole’s secretary before Chris develops feelings for her mother.Nicole Kidman, Joey King, Liza Koshy, Kathy Bates, Shirley MacLaine, and Zac Efron are among the movie’s stars.
Netflix has planned to premiere A Family Affair on November 17, 2023. The impact of the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike in the United States on the film’s promotion, however, caused the release of the movie to be delayed. Later, the release date was moved to June 28, 2024.
Netflix is scheduled to release A Family Affair on June 28, 2024.
2. Trigger Warning

Based on an Otep Shamaya short tale, Trigger Warning is an upcoming action thriller film from the United States. scripted by Josh Olson, Halley Gross, and John Brancato, and directed by Mouly Surya, who is making her feature film debut in the English language. The movie, which is produced by Lady Spitfire and Thunder Road Films, features Jessica Alba and Anthony Michael Hall. The movie centers on a talented Special Forces officer who, soon after her grandpa passes away, takes over her family’s tavern. She quickly finds herself at war with the violent gang that is raging in her hometown.
Initially bought by Thunder Road Films in June 2016, Trigger Warning is advertised as a female-led hybrid of First Blood and John Wick, with a spec narrative to be written by Josh Olson and John Brancato. The movie was then bought by Netflix in May 2020, with Mouly Surya attached to helm and Jessica Alba serving as executive producer. Filming took held in New Mexico in September and October of 2021, with a large portion of the core cast finishing in September of that same year. In August 2023, Enis Rotthoff wrote the soundtrack for the movie.
Netflix plans to distribute Trigger Warning on June 21, 2024.
3. Ultraman: Rising

The forthcoming animated superhero movie Ultraman: Rising (Japanese: ウルトラマン: ライジング, Hepburn: Urutoraman: Raijingu) is based on the Ultraman franchise from Tsuburaya Productions. It is the 44th movie in the franchise and a Japanese-American co-production between Netflix Animation and Tsuburaya Productions, with animation by Industrial Light & Magic. The movie, which was co-written by Shannon Tindle and Marc Haimes and features Christopher Sean as Ken Sato/Ultraman, also has the voices of Gedde Watanabe, Tamlyn Tomita, Keone Young, and Julia Harriman.
On June 14, 2024, Ultraman: Rising is scheduled for global distribution on Netflix.
4. Hierarchy (Series)

The forthcoming South Korean adolescent romance television series Hierarchy (Korean: 하이라키) is directed by Bae Hyeon-jin, written by Chu Hye-mi, and starring Roh Jeong-eui, Lee Chae-min, Ji Hye-won, Ji Hye-won, and Lee Won-jung. Located in Jooshin High School, which is home to the top 0.01% of students and takes pride in offering the highest caliber of education in South Korea.
Established by the largest company in South Korea, the Jooshin Group, Jooshin High School is a place where kids are selected from birth. Eighteen young people at this esteemed private high school are involved in a fascinating narrative of love, friendship, retaliation, and compassion.
On June 7, 2024, it is slated for international release.
5. Supacell (Series)

A drama television series called Supacell is coming soon. Rapman oversees the Netflix project as primary director, writer, creator, and showrunner. Three episodes are also directed by Sebastian Thiel. This television series centers on a group of seemingly normal black South London residents who abruptly acquire superhuman abilities.
In June 2024, the series will debut on Netflix.
6. Agents of Mystery (Series)

Lee Hye Ri, Lee Yong Jin, John Park, Kim Do Hoon, and Lee Eun Ji are the cast members of the forthcoming South Korean television series Agents of Mystery (Korean: 미스터리 수사단), which is directed by Jung Jong Yeon. This show, which is based on “Six Agents of Mystery,” delves creatively and uniquely into strange occurrences that defy scientific explanation. The chemistry between the characters is superb.
The Netflix series will launch on June 18, 2024.
List of Upcoming Shows/Movies in Netflix in June – 2024
June 1
“Too Old for Fairy Tales 2”
June 3
“How I Met Your Mother: Seasons 1-9”
“30 for 30: Lance”
“30 for 30: The Good, The Bad, The Hungry”
“30 for 30: The Life and Trials of Oscar Pistorius”
“Little Baby Bum: Music Time: Season 2”
June 4
“Jo Koy: Live from Brooklyn”
“The Price of Nonna’s Inheritance”
June 5
“Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial”
“How to Rob a Bank”
“Under Paris”
June 6
“Baki Hanma VS Kengan Ashura”
“Crazy Rich Asians”
“Kübra” (Season 2)
“Nelma Kodama: The Queen of Dirty Money”
“Rafa Márquez: El Capitán”
“Sweet Tooth” (Season 3)
June 7
“Hit Man”
“Perfect Match” (Season 2)
June 11
“Keith Robinson: Different Strokes”
“Tour de France: Unchained” (Season 2)
June 12
“My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman” (Season 5)
“King of Collectibles: The Goldin Touch” (Season 2)
“Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors”
June 13
“Bridgerton” (Season 3, Part 2)
“Doctor Climax”
June 14
“Forged in Fire” (Season 9)
“Joko Anwar’s Nightmares and Daydreams”
“Ultraman: Rising”
June 15
“Cold Case Files” (Season 3)
“Miss Night and Day”
June 17
“30 for 30: June 17th, 1994”
June 18
“Agents of Mystery”
“Fifty Shades of Grey”
“Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution”
June 19
“Black Barbie”
“Dexter” (Seasons 1-8)
“Kleks Academy”
“The Lego Batman Movie”
“Love Is Blind: Brazil” (Season 4)
June 20
“The Accidental Twins”
“AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders”
June 21
“Gangs of Galicia”
“Trigger Warning”
“The Victims’ Game” (Season 2)
June 22
“Rising Impact”
June 24
“Little Angel” (Volume 5)
June 25
“Kaulitz & Kaulitz”
June 26
“Love Is Blind: Brazil” (Season 4, new episodes)
“Worst Roommate Ever” (Season 2)
June 27
“Drawing Closer”
“That ’90s Show: Part 2”
“Unicorn Academy” (Chapter 2)
June 28
“A Family Affair”
“Hoarders” (Season 14)
“The Mole” (Season 2)
“Òlòtūré: The Journey”
“Owning Manhattan”
“Savage Beauty” (Season 2)
June 30
“Alone” (Season 10)
“NCIS” (Seasons 16-17)
“The Smurfs” (Season 2)